Where is nitrous oxide from

Clearly, a great deal more research is needed to understand and maximise these properties for the betterment of mankind. Over 40 years ago, when I first started studying this fascinating gas, I came across the words with which Humphry Davy concluded his book. Without the input from my late dear friend, mentor and colleague Fred Lichtigfeld, who died tragically in , this paper would never have been written. No words can convey either the loss to medical science or my personal sadness.

I would also like to thank my son Luis F. Gillman who was always on hand to help his father a dinosaur with the vagaries of I. I have been researching the psychotropic properties of nitrous oxide for over 40 years. Since , I have been a medical adviser to Sedatek, a South African company that supplies equipment for administering low concentrations of nitrous oxide in South Africa, predominantly among dentists.

I own no shares in the company. This mini-review was funded by the author. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. Bentham Science Publishers. Curr Drug Abuse Rev. Published online Jun. Mark A. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Waverley , Johannesburg, South Africa.

This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Objective: This paper will give a brief history of the use of the N 2 O in psychiatry since the psycho-tropic actions were first recognised in the 18 th century until the present.

Conclusion: The role of other non- opioid systems, and the extent to which they contribute to the psy-chotropic properties of N 2 O, still remains to be established. Keywords: Psychotropic analgesic nitrous oxide, N 2 O, dental titration, neuropsychiatry, substance abuse, psychiatry, neurology.

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Microbiology , — Chemoorganoheterotrophic growth of Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosomonas eutropha. Schreiber, F. The role of nitric-oxide-synthase-derived nitric oxide in multicellular traits of Bacillus subtilis , biofilm formation, swarming, and dispersal.

BMC Microbiol. Mechanisms of transent nitric oxide and nitrous oxide production in a complex biofilm. Nitric oxide microsensor for high spatial resolution measurements in biofilms and sediments. Denitrification in human dental plaque. BMC Biol. Schuurkes, J. The role of external ammonium inputs in freshwater acidification. Swiss J. Schwartz, S. Solubility equilibria of the nitrogen oxides and oxyacids in dilute aqueous solution.

Shafirovich, V. Nitroxyl and its anion in aqueous solutions: spin states, protic equilibria, and reactivities toward oxygen and nitric oxide. Shatalin, K. Bacillus anthracis-derived nitric oxide is essential for pathogen virulence and survival in macrophages. Shaw, L. Nitrosospira spp. Shibuki, K. An electrochemical microprobe for detecting nitric-oxide release in brain-tissue.

Shin, J. Sol-gel derived amperometric nitric oxide microsensor. Smith, C. Snider, D. Inhibition by sulfide of nitric and nitrous oxide reduction by denitrifying Pseudomonas fluorescens.

Starkenburg, S. Expression of a putative nitrite reductase and the reversible inhibition of nitrite-dependent respiration by nitric oxide in Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb Genome sequence of the chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb Complete genome sequence of nitrobacter hamburgensis X14 and comparative genomic analysis of species within the genus nitrobacter.

Stein, L. Surveying N 2 O-producing pathways in bacteria. Methods Enzymol. Production, isotopic composition, and a atmospheric fate of biologically produced nitrous oxide. Stief, P. Nitrous oxide emission by aquatic macrofauna. Strous, M. The treatment of domestic wastewater can also generate nitrous oxide. In the summer of , a pilot flew a tiny plane low over thawing Arctic permafrost as part of a study to determine what climate-forcing pollutants were being emitted and how much.

The researchers behind the study, a team from Harvard and NOAA, thought they would find methane—and they did. Permafrost is frozen land that contains ancient soil, sediment and organic material from plants and animals.

It covers about a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere. As the Arctic warms at roughly twice the rate of the rest of the world, permafrost is beginning to thaw, and as it does, the ancient materials are exposed to oxygen, which causes them to release gases that are further contributing to warming. Researchers globally have been trying to understand just how much methane could be contained in the permafrost.

But the data collected in —and published in a report in the j ournal of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics earlier this year—also showed that nitrous oxide was also being emitted from the permafrost, at roughly 12 times the rate previously assumed. The study covered about square miles and only during the month of August. Hotspots and Law and Disorder She is the author of Meltdown: Terror at the Top of the World.

Her work has been honored by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Society of Environmental Journalists, and she was named a finalist for the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists in and again in Candidates who talked about clean energy had a big loss in Virginia, but won in some notable city races.

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