Who is mehmet akif ersoy

Just like his contemporaries, he had abundant knowledge concerning traditional eastern literature. In addition, during the years he was studying at Veterinary school, he enjoyed reading the works of authors such as Victor Hugo, Alphonse de Lamartine, Emile Zola, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He made important contributions to the struggle for the declaration of the Turkish Republic, and advocated patriotism though speeches that he delivered in many mosques in Anatolia.

However, Mehmet Akif Ersoy earned himself his significant place in the history of the Republic of Turkey as the composer of the lyrics of the Turkish National Anthem. During the session of March 12, , the Turkish Grand National Assembly officially designated his ten-quatrain poem as the lyrics of the national anthem. Mehmet Akif Ersoy is an important national figure in the history of modern Turkey and has left an immortal trace in its history.

He enrolled for Agriculture and Veterinary School, newly established and first civil veterinary college during those years. He was interested in sports during school period; he joined primarily wrestling and swimming, also hiking, running and shot put races; his interest in poetry increased in the last two years of his school period.

He graduated from the department of veterinary surgeon ranking first in the class in He wanted to start his professional career soon.

Veterinary School. He graduated in While Ottoman Empire was destroying, he was a fervent patriot. He gave a lot important help to the Turkish Republic. He is also an author. Although the states that were at war utilized poetry and fiction dedicated to the war as a part of their official propaganda, major poets and fiction writers preferred to write mournful pieces on the numberless soldiers dying in battle, or alternatively, just to remain silent.

When it comes to war literature, Wilfrid Owen's bitter verses in "Dulce et Decorum est" and other war poems are memorable, particularly due to the fact that he was subsequently killed on the battlefield. Another widely known piece is "All Quiet on the Western Front," a novel by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, which was published in and translated into 28 languages, with world-wide sales nearly reaching four million already by While the tendency of many Western authors was to write about disillusionment and anti-heroes, the case was different for Turkish authors writing about the war.

Since Turkey found itself in between the colonizer on the one hand, and the colonized on the other, this middle position was reflected in Turkish authors' works. While the British and American poets wrote about the disappointment of the disillusioned troops, their Arabic peers would express the agony of the people oppressed by overpowering armies. In contrast, Turkish authors were both sympathetic toward and praising of their fellow fighters. This is particularly true for the war poems of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, who reflected the "tears of failure" and tried to create a verbal memorial for the "martyrs of Gallipoli.

In addition, he was also learning Persian from Esat Efendi. Akif was also studying French at school. Young Mehmet Akif left the School of Political Science and attended the Veterinary School which was at a lower level , due to career concerns.

His father died and their house burned down in a fire in Fatih. The fatherless family was now in a great difficulty. Though their family friends were eager to help, Akif felt a deep material responsibility for his mother and little sister.

Thus, he moved to the Veterinary School in order to become the family bread-winner as soon as possible.


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