Which .hack gu character are you

Haseo's First Form: is a black Twin Blade. He has red eyes, shaggy silver hair, an exposed midriff and wears a black leather wardrobe. His shoulders are decorated with wave tattoos and the marks on his face are shaped like red lightning bolts. In his Second Form: Haseo takes the form of black Edge Punisher , his midriff is becomes covered and additional bronze-like metal plating are added to his arms and hips.

He also has a metal decoration on his back. The marks on his face are jagged with a straight line underneath. In this form, he gains access to his Edge Punisher job. Which in the games is also the form in which he first awakened Skeith.

For Haseo's Third Form: his appearance changes drastically, the his bronze-plating around his shoulders disappear, and in their place Haseo is covered black armor with spiky black and red-gradient tipped protrusions littered all over his body. His torso and abdomen are once again exposed, and in the games now covered by a light purple coloring with a red tattoo on it, akin to his initial 1st form.

His facial marks are two curves on his cheeks, each with multiple juts coming out as they run down his face, likening to scars. From there after the activation of the Rebirth, Redemption with help from Zelkova , Haseo unintentionally breaks system rules and communicates with his Avatar to obtain a fourth Form.

Unlike previous forms, Haseo has gold eyes although they remain red during game play , wears a white striped shirt, pants and has various plates scattered over his arms, legs, and hips. His shoulders are bare and have gear shaped symbols on each side. Similar to Kite there are triangularly shaped marks on each side of his face. The Xth Form gains the ability to use Skeith the 3rd, drain heart and dash.

The initial weapons he is granted with are a pair of dual guns, the DG-X in reference that they are dual guns, and come with the Xth form. Later in Volume 4 of Last Recode , Haseo obtains another form known as 5th form where after the events of Volume 3, Zelkova seals Skeith away believing it to be too dangerous to leave alone with the power of all the Epitaphs, and stating this could cause Cubia to return. After a mysterious monster known as Shadow Vegalta attacks the Net Slum Tartarga , Zelkova unlocks Haseo's full potential, by giving back Skeith, as well the power of all the Epitaphs it absorbed in the form of a weapon known as Gate of Ouroboros, unlocking his 5th form.

Elsewhere during the events of G. Novels Haseo also similar to how he obtaines The Xth Form gains a new Angelic Form:, which described as the Trinity where after facing and realizing his existence as Haseo, Sora and Skeith the three fuse. Here he wears white armor similar to his Third Form and large bright white bird wings, similar to Atoli and carries a large white staff with a halo, Skeith, resembling also his Skeith's Wand from R:1 as a Weapon.

During this transformation, he also briefly transforms into White version of Skeith. In addition beyond this and deviating from his Third Form, during G. Trilogy Haseo also obtains yet another unique and demonic transformation due to his hatred for Ovan. Known as his B-st Form , Haseo appears similar to his 3rd Form, but more primal, growing three tails and jagged spikes on his armor.

Here Haseo wields dual Broadswords, gains the ability to tear into lost ground and summon hundreds of weapons to launch at the opponent. Additionally from htere if if not saved by Atoli during the events of. Haseo initially was very friendly when joining The World R:2, until being tricked by a group a PKers who took advantage of his naivety. After this event, he becomes cold and self-centered, although he holds a soft spot for Shino. He finds it hard to get close to people, as his previous experience with the PKers resulted in him being betrayed.

When Shino was attacked by Tri-Edge, he stopped at nothing to find out what happened to her and tried get his revenge. As he progressed, Haseo learned to trust his new friends and grew as a person. Though not as warm, he is a great leader and is willing to risk everything for those he hold dear.

Also, despite his profession as the PKKer "Terror of Death" in Roots , Haseo hates rumors and forums , disdainfully calling it "idle chatter". His preferred sources for information are PKs and "professional victims" like Bordeaux and Midori , respectively, as they are far more likely to encounter the mysterious PKer, Tri-Edge , than the rumor-mills on the BBS. He lives alone in Tokyo, and his dad owns a major company. He visits Shino, who is in a coma , at the hospital everyday. He decided to play The World R:2 after talking to a friend who used to play its previous version, The World.

Meanwhile, Sora's data continued on as a vagrant AI and eventually reunited him as Skeith. On the advice of a player named Phyllo he decided to join Ovan's Guild Twilight Brigade and was introduced to its other members, including fellow newbie Tabby and Ovan's co-leader Shino. The Brigade soon found itself in a struggle with another Guild named TaN. Haseo, who was close with Tawaraya a high ranking member of TaN tried to help the situation, but it was no use. Tensions between the two Guilds reached a peak at the Coite-Bodher Battlefield , where the Brigade fought against TaN in a fierce battle.

Though the Brigade succeeded in driving off TaN's forces, Ovan mysteriously vanished during the fight. Without its leader the Brigade soon collapsed. Haseo decided to remain with Shino, who he'd developed feelings for.

The two began to grow closer, but without warning Shino was forcibly taken away from him. The culprit was an infamous PKer named Tri-Edge. With only his name and a short description to go on, Haseo began to hunt Tri-Edge, hoping to find a way to bring Shino back.

Wanting more power, Haseo entered an event known as the Forest of Pain. At the center, a brief encounter with Harald Hoerwick gave his character tremendous power. Eventually he succeeded in finding Azure Kite , who he thought to be Tri-Edge, but was defeated by his Data Drain attack. His character was reformatted and sent back to level 1, forcing Haseo to start all over again.

Haseo makes various appearances during. During the events of the story, Haseo is already known as "The Terror of Death" and has several encounters with Midori , pressing her for information regarding the PK Tri-Edge. Haseo has a short cameo in GnU when several of the characters spy on him having a secret meeting with Ovan at the Arche Koeln Waterfall. For a more in-depth review of Haseo's role in the.

Games see the G. Games section. On their adventure however, the two betrayed Haseo and PKed him. Upon returning to Mac-Anu Haseo meets Sakaki who proceeds to lecture him about PKKing, this is when Haseo first meets Atoli originally mistaking her Shino though Sakaki dismisses this explaining that sometimes players have similar PCs.

Sakaki's lecture is cut short when Haseo gets a short mail from Ovan asking to meet, when Haseo meets up with Ovan he finds out that Tri-Edge would be returning to the Hulle Granz Cathedral which Haseo promptly teleports to. Upon arriving at the cathedral Haseo is reminiscing about Shino when his thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of Tri-Edge who begins to combat Haseo, Haseo uses all of his skills and weapons on Tri-Edge but he is far too great an opponent and ends up Data Draining Haseo.

When Haseo regains consciousness he finds his PC has been re-formatted and he has lost all of his data including his e-mails, then when he logs into the world again he finds he has lost all of his levels, items, abilities and member addresses putting him back where he began when he first joined "The World R:2".

Haseo bumps into the Guildmaster of Canard , Silabus , who persuades Haseo to join the guild, which Haseo does as he realizes that the fastest way for him to regain his former power would be with the help of Canard. Silabus and his friend a co-guild member Gaspard originally mock Haseo for saying he is "The Terror Of Death" because of his low level but soon find out he is telling the truth about having all of his Data destroyed when they are confronted by Bordeaux with her 2 henchmen, Bordeaux is about to PK Haseo and his friends when Pi arrives and tells Bordeaux that members from Moon Tree may soon be arriving, after the PKers have left Pi meets Haseo and tells him he has a great power within his character.

After this he is befriended by Atoli, who attempts to make Haseo understand the true purpose of Moon Tree. He also becomes targeted by Bordeaux, still trying to get revenge after her failed attempt earlier.

Kuhn later recruits him into the mysterious organization "G. The legendary Emperor, Antares , also takes him under his wing, helping him unlock his Edge Punisher form once again.

However, in an attempt to prove herself to Haseo, Atoli disappears searching for Tri-Edge. They defeat him, and he crumbles into pieces. Haseo is disheartened that even though "Tri-Edge" is defeated, there is no change in Shino's state. Haseo and "G. Prioritize your choice above:. Are you a Mage? Do you like to be manipulative? Do you care for justice and honour? Are you a reletively happy person? Do you like swords and knives or poles and axes? Do you feel sad when people get hurt?

Would you like to actively help people? Would you believe in a godly item to exist? Do you like to be the leader of a group? Do you worry a lot? Are you fast and agile? Are you a cocky character? Anime Trends! See which selectors in this category are trending now.

Does this selector give you ideas? Make Anime Selectors. Make your selectors on any topic here. Rebirth, Corbenik! I'll use it for whatever I like, and whenever I like! I didn't know I have one? To protect players. I didn't realize To be with my love, Master En! I don't care what it is, I want to be with 'her'. I'll kick their ass! No one hurts my friends! What should I do?

Oh dear Hey, remember me? Vak Don! Who are you calling a midget?! Forget it, he's just too jealous. He will help, just let me talk : I dunno, he's arrogant. Will you help us or not?! How did he know GU?! Is it the ghost girl? Who's Aina? I can't find her everywhere! Me and 'She' will find her She's in back alley! Where are you?! It's okay, she's with me. I'll get it back! No matter what! Hey, I need it!


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