Where is tinkers bubble

Hi all, I was wondering any you needing any help with firewood processing for a day or two? We have a huge journey ahead of us which is still a work in progress. We take part in living our lives as economically as possible at home and have sustained ourselves with a plant based diet during our meals every week.

This has brought us to the decision to travel in a different way, and explore new sustainability methods to expand our knowledge and living. We were wondering if your village accommodates to travellers who are seeking short term stay, and what the costs and requirements will be if we are accepted.

Our goals are to find peace and sustainability within our travels next year that can benefit others and ourselves, while giving back to the earth. Me n my partner are lookin to get away from it all n want to live the way u do there.. How do we go about it please. Hello, I would be very interested in joining your community. I have always wanted to live more self sustainably and more in accordance with nature. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. My name is Sophia. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Best wishes Sarah Like Like. I will bring the kids to visit soon, and please pass my love to Mike, Pete and the others, Becca Lush xxx Like Liked by 1 person.

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Yours sincerely, Alycia Like Like. Thanks xxx Like Like. LG Anni Like Like. Cheers for now, Chanah Like Liked by 1 person.

Hello all, I was wondering how I become a member and volunteer. We make loads of jam, chutney, pickles, and cider. We have solar powered 12v electricity, spring water on tap, and use compost toilets. We burn wood for cooking, heating, and for hot water in the bathouse.

We sometimes eat meat from our land, and although we try to cater for all diets we do tend to rely on animal products during the hunger gap. Though some of us would consider ourselves to be spiritual, we have no shared spirituality. Most people wash their clothes by hand. We are open to new live-in members who are interested in making a living from the land. Please check your spam folder for our response — we answer all emails, usually within a week or so, but some email providers particularly hotmail seem to put all emails from riseup.

This is the communal kitchen at Tinkers Bubble, a small off-grid hillside woodland community on 40 acres 16 hectares of land in rural Somerset, England. The residents, known as Bubbleites, manage the land without fossil fuels, and have been for the last twenty years making a living mainly through forestry, apple products and gardening.

As a result they say they are money poor but happiness rich. The name Tinkers Bubble comes from the spring that flows through the woodland ending in a small waterfall by the road.

This is where gypsies brought their horses to water them at the bubble; the gypsy name for a waterfall. In the video right Mary introduces their community and how they live together in Tinkers Bubble.

Living this way is not a picnic that you can cancel if the weather is less than clement. There are always jobs to do come rain or shine. Nature never quite goes along with us.


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