A small glimmer of hope for us ME3MP fans. How can I save Anderson? General 2 Answers Romance more than one person? Plot 5 Answers What is the best armor in the game? Plot 1 Answer How do i complete the 'help the mechanic' quest? Side Quest 1 Answer.
Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Is there a way to get them to cool off I guess? User Info: giantblimpN7 giantblimpN7 9 years ago 3 All the Reaper awareness resests to zero once you do a mission, so just do a mission and come back. User Info: scorpeus scorpeus 9 years ago 6 As far as I know, I think you have to do another mission first to go back to a reaper-infected system.
User Info: yamiYang yamiYang 9 years ago 10 I think it's worth mentioning that the ship seems to slow down for a moment whenever you press LT. Box art spoilers femshep technically considered canon again.
As host when you are soloing Cerberus on Gold An unexepected Crossover, let me know if you get it. Romance more than one person? What is the best armor in the game? Side Quest. When you hear the closer Brute start to growl, retreat a little ways down the hill so the Cannibals and Marauders can't hit you, then focus on taking out the Brute as quickly as possible. Once they're dead, switch to a long range weapon, then snipe at the remaining enemies from cover. Just make sure you don't forget about the second Brute.
Follow the stream of incoming enemies to a ramp made out of rubble on your right. The enemies will pour in constantly, so it's best to head up the rubble to the objective rather than try and kill them all, since you can't. You may want to stock up on ammo before you leave the area, though-- there's some in the buildings on the right, before the ramp, and on a piece of broken concrete as you start heading up the ramp.
A few things await you at the top of the ramp: more Cannibals and Marauders, a Ravager , the crashed shuttle, a med kit, and a M Cain -- a big missile launcher that you can use to destroy the Hades Cannon. The M is set as a nav point. After taking out the enemies, pick up the M Cain and aim it at the big Reaper-looking Hades Cannon, then hold down the fire button until it fires.
As the Hades Cannon comes crashing down, see if you can locate another M Each M only has one shot, so it can't be used again, but it'll definitely come in handy. If you can't find the other M, just switch back to a normal weapon. At this point, a bunch of enemies will appear, including a Banshee. Take cover with the downed shuttle and take out the Banshee as quickly as possible, then pick off the Cannibals while you slowly make your way forward toward the extraction point.
After a bit more radio chatter, a shuttle will appear. You have a limited amount of time to get to the shuttle, so take cover to charge your shields, then make a run for it. If you have Tactical Cloak, you can simply use it and run straight to the shuttle. Either way, you can ask "How did you last so long? Anderson and your two Squad Mates will go on ahead, and you'll have a conversation with Major Coats.
Reply with "You think so? You'll then be free to roam the FOB with absolutely no time pressure, so take as long as you need here to talk with the military leaders, squad and crew that you've come to know over the course of Commander Shepard's journey. Who you can talk to is detailed in the list below, although keep in mind that. After talking to Victus and Garrus, you'll cross over a bridge, where you'll partake in a turret minigame. The idea is that you're supposed to defend the FOB from a Reaper ground force attack, but you don't actually have to do anything.
After 45 seconds, an Alliance fighter flies by and bombs them all, allowing you to proceed. In the final room will be a table with Admiral Anderson. You can talk with him to begin the final assault, however you will have a chance to hold off on it if you've forgotten anything at the FOB. As Anderson explains, a Reaper Destroyer is guarding the Conduit Beam, so Hammer Team will escort tanks equipped with Hydra Missiles through a dense cluster of buildings towards it, then use them to take out the Destroyer thanks to your actions on Rannoch, you know that the firing chamber is a weak spot.
Once the Destroyer is down, it'll be a rush to the Conduit Beam. Before setting out, Shepard will make another customary speech to their squad. Here's what each option will earn you:. To start, kill the first two Cannibals with a power, then take up their position behind cover and kill the rest of the Cannibals and Marauders. Ammo is available on a table in plain sight.
Follow the Mako until it gets taken out, then take cover. Shoot some more Cannibals and Marauders, then make your way through the open doorway on the right. As you approach the next Mako, it starts driving away. A Harvester appears, along with more Cannibals and Marauders. At some point a Banshee appears too, just in case it was a bit easy. Keep your distance and take out the Harvester, then work on the ground forces. There is plenty of ammo scattered about, so be sure to load up before you leave through the door in front of the Mako.
A group of Husks attack you in the parking garage: if you stay in the open, you and your squad mates should be able to take them out before they get too close. As you get to about the middle of the garage, more Husks and two Brutes lumber in. Back up and take them down before they get close enough to attack. If they charge, run or roll out of the way -- just make sure you keep track of where you are in the garage so you don't back yourself into a corner.
When things are quiet, climb up the ladder at the far end of the garage. Climb up the rubble, then take up positions on either side of the open doorway on the right. Clear the room of the Cannibals, Marauders, and the Ravager. Exit through the door and take out the surprise Husks before they get too close and overwhelm you.
Once they're down, head down the rubble and back outside. Get out a long-range weapon and take down the handful of Marauders. As you press on, a Ravager and a Brute appear.
Once they're history, approach the broken store window on the right and duck behind the ledge for cover. Take out a few Cannibals and Marauders, then vault inside. You can easily flank the rest of the Cannibals in the store by sneaking around the right side of the shelves.
Equip a short-range weapon, use powers, or just melee. Alternatively, just stay ducked behind the ledge and shoot them from there. There is some ammo on one of the shelves if you need it. Once all the enemies are dead, exit the store and drop down into the crater that used to be an intersection. As you cross to the opposite side, Cannibals appear.
You should be able to take them out from a distance without too much trouble. More Cannibals and Marauders await inside the building.
For some variety, try positioning your squad mates at one window while you shoot at the distracted Reaper forces through the other.
Players will need to be smart and evasive while scanning to avoid the Reapers and gather everything they need to win the war. Here's how to scan planets and evade Reapers in Mass Effect 3. When Shepard uses the Galaxy Map aboard the Normandy in Mass Effect 3 , they can immediately determine which star systems have been overrun by Reapers.
They can still explore these systems, but they will have a greater chance of being detected in fewer scanner pings while there. After entering a system, Shepard can travel close to a cluster of planets and follow the button prompt to scan. On PC, this is usually the right mouse button, and on console it is one of the triggers. If any of the planets contains a war asset or side mission item, EDI will alert Shepard they have found something, and a red ring will circle the planet.
This can also happen in the spaces between planets, but these recoverable assets are usually extra fuel from demolished Fuel Depots. Once they discover an asset, players should steer the Normandy to the planet and follow the button prompts to enter orbit.
They can then scan the planet as they would have in Mass Effect 2 , following the white line on their scanner until they reach the glowing white spot indicating the location of the asset.
They will launch a probe to recover the asset. Each time Shepard uses the scanner, there is a chance for Reapers to take notice.