Several distinct advantages make fall the best time to plant cool-season grass seed. In early autumn, the soil is still warm from months of summer sun.
This combination of warm soil, moderate daytime temperatures and cool evenings encourages fast germination and establishment of newly sown cool-season grass seed. Cool-season grass seed germinates best when soil temperatures reach 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. An inexpensive soil thermometer, available at garden stores and online retailers, can help eliminate the guesswork. The farther north you live, the earlier cool fall temperatures and ideal planting times come.
For example, Minnesotans in the Upper Midwest seed cool-season lawns from mid-August to mid-September. As a general rule, plant cool-season grass seed at least 45 days before the estimated date of your first fall frost, before soil and air temperatures drop to less favorable levels. Your grasses will enjoy a full fall season, plus a second cool growing season come spring. Your local county extension agent can help with advice on average frost dates and optimal timing for seeding lawns in your area.
Newly planted seed needs consistent soil moisture, and fall planting offers benefits on that front, too. Fall typically brings more precipitation, which lessens the chance that cool-season seeds may dry out, and reduces the need for extra watering on your part.
Using premium drought-tolerant, water-conserving grass seed products, such as Pennington Smart Seed and Pennington One Step Complete , lowers the risk of problems even more. The second best time to seed cool-season lawn grasses is in the spring, once soil and air temperatures warm back up to their optimal range. However, late-melting snows and early spring rains can keep soil cold and overly wet, giving early weeds an advantage. Grasses also have less time to settle in before higher temperatures inhibit germination and cool-season grass growth begins to slow.
Planting in late spring and early summer gives warm-season grasses the advantage of warm soil and early seasonal rains, which help keep soil moisture available during germination and establishment.
Enter a New Address. Have common insect and disease activity been reduced during the past year? Has the lawn been core aerated or other soil preparation activities taken place?
Does the lawn have a sprinkler system that has been activated for the current year? If not, do you have sprinklers that can be turned on for two to three weeks, or even longer and may need to be turned on two or three times a day to ensure the seedlings will survive? Do you understand that the lawn will need more water throughout the summer? March is too late to sow cool-season grasses.
If you can, use a roller to pass over the area after raking to ensure seeds have good contact with soil. You can sprinkle a light layer of compost or straw over the soil to help retain moisture, but only thin enough to prevent blocking light. If you have a short window for the best time to seed a lawn, especially for getting cool-season grass going before cold sets in, you can soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. Then, drain the water completely from the cup or bucket, and leave them in a warm location like a heated shed for a few days until small sprouts appear.
Disclosure: BobVila. You agree that BobVila. All rights reserved. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY. The trick to successful sowing is a clear understanding of your type of grass and the climate it thrives in. Need a hand? Some jobs are better left to the pros. Receive free, no-commitment estimate from lawn service professionals near you.
Find Pros Now. More From Bob Vila. If you live in the Northeastern U. Cool-season grasses are also prominent in the Midwest, so fall is the best time to plant grass seed in this area. Again, aim for mid-August to mid-September. As their names suggest, each one grows best in certain regional weather elements. In a nutshell, cool-season grass needs mild daytime temperatures and cooler nights to thrive. Warm-season grasses grow best when the days are warm and when they have time to establish before things cool down in fall.
You can read more about these grass types here. Your region also determines when other lawn care should happen. Do you see any bare patches or bald spots? If so, consider overseeding your lawn. About Cookies on this site Davey uses cookies to make your experience a great one by providing us analytics so we can offer you the most relevant content. Topics grass planting grass seed lawn care.