With that in mind, what is the real purpose of the yearbook? With blogs and Facebook and easily shared digital photos, why do people still care about the yearbook? Is it the perfect place, as the daughter of a friend claims, to write heartfelt sentiments about friendship? Is it the proper forum to address controversial issues? And is it an accurate reflection of the people who not only immersed themselves into sports and clubs, but also of those who chose more diverse interests?
The straightforward answer is that the yearbook is a publication that reflects the events and lives of people involved with a school during that given year. Historically, yearbooks were little more than picture books, often including literary works and art.
With the explosion of desktop publishing in the last few decades, yearbooks have become even more journalistic, reflecting not only the design and photographic capabilities now available, but including coverage that showcases everything from reporting of events to first-person profiles.
Some also believe that it is a public relations tool for that particular school. While a yearbook should be all of the above, I would like to add three adjectives to the list of things a yearbook should be: honest, thorough and accurate. These descriptors may, at first glance, seem contradictory. But the beauty of the yearbook is that the students can choose to cover the topics in student life that reflect their student body without feeling an obligation to cover every aspect of their lives.
While not every area must be covered, one that should be included is any world-changing event. Innovative ways to connect and keep busy. This year, more than ever, yearbooks are essential to telling the story. Decades from now, people will look at yearbooks from with awe and amazement at what schools and their students endured and thrived in. A yearbook is so much more than a book. With everything so different, the yearbook will need to be different too.
And that is a precious opportunity. You can go chronological , telling the story as it happens. Take a page from the professionals and utilize more white space , less photos and more quick reads for a magazine look. You could feature more anytime pages, with showstopper designs to wow the audience. Shop Yearbooks. Try using fewer words. For international schools, please select your country here. Please note: If your school or group has closed, you will not be able to locate it on our website.
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What does the yearbook club do? Is Yearbook an extracurricular activity? What is a digital yearbook? What is a primary goal of yearbook coverage Why is this goal important?
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