When John confesses to being guilty, Deputy Governor Danforth pressures John to name other people who might have sided with the devil. John dies with his integrity intact. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Why is the play called The Crucible? What is a crucible? Did the girls really see the Devil or witches? Why did Tituba confess to dancing with the Devil? Was John still in love with Abigail? What causes tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Why is Rebecca Nurse accused of witchcraft?
Why is Elizabeth Proctor accused of witchcraft? What happens when Mary Warren tells the court the truth about the girls acting bewitched? Why does Reverend Hale change his mind about the witch trials?
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My Preferences My Reading List. The Crucible Arthur Miller. Adam Bede has been added to your Reading List! When she finished, the girls started screaming, and Tituba told the magistrates that she could see the spirit of Sarah Good hurting them. Then, Tituba herself was struck blind and mute.
The interview ended in chaos. The next day the magistrates interviewed Tituba in her jail cell, where she revealed even more details. She revealed that the book had nine signatures total, implying there were more witches around. She explained that she had flown on sticks with her fellow witches. They did not know that Samuel had beaten Tituba until she created this story.
Instead of wondering whether people were imagining things, the magistrates accepted this as proof that everything Tituba said was true. Many years later, Tituba revealed that Samuel beat her for weeks until she confessed to being a witch. As a confessed witch, Tituba was no longer considered an immediate threat to the community.
In fact, no person who confessed to practicing witchcraft was executed during the trials. On May 12, Tituba was sent to a prison in Boston to make room for all the new suspects who were being arrested in Salem Village. In total, people were accused of practicing witchcraft. Fifty-four confessed, and their testimony was used in the trials of other suspects.
When she was needed to testify at a trial, Tituba was brought back to Salem. She probably testified at the trials of a number of people who were convicted and executed for witchcraft, but it is difficult to know for sure, because the official trial records were lost. Twenty people were convicted of witchcraft and executed.
Three died in prison before they could be tried. Tituba spent an entire year in jail, because no one would pay her bail. When she was brought to trial on May 9, , the charges against her were immediately dismissed. By the time she was brought to trial, people were starting to think the whole panic was a big mistake. Samuel Parris refused to pay the fees necessary to free Tituba from prison, so she was sold to another English settler who agreed to cover them.
Historians know nothing else about her life. Before the play starts, Abigail had an affair with John Proctor. Many people accused each other of being witches to ensure their own survival, not caring about those they accused. This led to many people being tried and hanged as witches. Through these events, the witch trials revealed three characteristics of humanity that drove the people in Salem to carry out the trials; reputation, self-preservation, and fear.
The first flawed characteristic…. The puritans soon were convicted of witch trials of Salem because people believed the devil was the cause of all this, they accused older women to being witches but they only chose the ones that were vulnerable to the community. The way they selected their women depended of how weak the women they chose were. Rampant fear among the puritans in the New England village of Salem sparked attacks against anyone who was suspected of witchcraft; really the Salem witch trials were about the fear of women, what they were seeing was people acting differently that had many men and women threatening.
Abigail soon begins to believe that she is invulnerable and that she can cry witchcraft upon whomever she wishes. Danforth and the other representatives of the court are appalled. Abigail seeks revenge on Reverend Hale for simply returning back to Salem because she sees him as a threat. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays.