Teach Bun Tricks. Helping the Easter Bunny Prep for this Weekend. Rabbit Jumping: How to Get Started. Amazing Rabbit Training Examples. Cute Bunny Plays Basketball. Clicker Training with Napoleon Bunnyparte, Rabbit. Rabbit Leg Weaves pt. Philippe the Rabbit: Leg Weave Improvisations.
Training a Rabbit for Voluntary Nail Trims. Ezra the Rabbit Targets a Mat: 1st Session. Ezra The Rabbit Crate Training session 3. Category : Behavior. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history.
Navigation Main page Recent changes Random page. This page was last edited on 25 July , at This trick uses mostly the luring technique, but with a little bit of clicker training principles to help out a little. The steps are as follows:. Simply raise a fist up by your face, and your rabbit will understand what trick you want them to perform. This is undeniably by favorite trick to teach the rabbits at the animal shelter where I work socializing the rabbits.
It also encourages the rabbits to be friendlier and come up to people, since they know that they might get a treat out of it. Spinning is another easy trick to teach a rabbit using a basic luring technique. The idea is to teach a rabbit to spin in a circle on command. This is a fun trick to teach a rabbit and combine with other tricks. Such as getting them to spin in a circle three times then give a high five.
The goal here is to teach you rabbit to spin in a circle when you point or make a small gesture in the desired direction. You will need to train your rabbit to spin in both directions separately.
You can also phase out the clicker after your rabbit is doing a good job and is able to spin easily. Teaching a rabbit to give you a high five is a more complicated trick that usually takes a little longer for a rabbit to understand. This was the first trick I taught my elderly bun, Tenshi, so many years ago.
It took a little bit of trial and error, but with patience we figured it out together okay, really she did all the work. If you keep at it, I know you and your bun will be able to do it too! For this trick, we will need to use some clicker training!
This trick uses some terms and techniques, and it will be helpful to start with a basic understanding of how clicker training works. Some catch on right away. We have trained many rabbits, and even within this one species there is a wide range of aptitude and acceptance for training. Some rabbits take weeks to start playing the clicker game, and others are right with you after a few clicks.
But they can all learn! As you begin to experiment, don't be surprised if you find a creative, engaging, intelligent personality hidden behind those long ears and that wiggling nose. In just a few short lessons, you may find you have a livelier, more interesting pet than you ever suspected.
There are many different ways a bunny can jump. She can jump over a pole, through a hoop, onto a platform, or into a basket. This trick teaches your bunny to jump over a pole, but with some creative baby steps, jumping can easily be generalized to jumping in other situations.
Be certain that you train this trick on a non-slippery surface. I've watched videos of clicker trained rabbits and their tricks were really good. Clicker training is an excellent idea, I'm glad that rabbits can be trained as well as cats and dogs.
I saw videos on clicker training rabbits and it is awesome. Sign up for our newsletters and get articles, new products, events, and exclusive deals sent directly to your inbox! Have Questions? Train a Rabbit? About the author. Post new comment Subject:. Glossary terms will be automatically marked with links to their descriptions.
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To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. Smart Reinforcement. To get the rabbit to do what you want you can use imagination and take advantage of his natural inclinations. For example rabbits often will stand on their hind legs to get a good look around. That can be used to get them to stand up. Click the instant he stands on his hind legs, then treat. Precise timing is important. If you miss the moment and you click too late or too early, you must still treat.
If he does the desired behavior and you miss it, it is better to not click at all than to click late. Clicker Training Basic Steps. Get the rabbit to do the behavior you want. Click the instant he does it.
Reward the rabbit with a treat he loves and praise. AFTER he reliably does the trick, add a cue voice or hand command so the rabbit knows the name or signal for the behavior you want him to do. Over time, slowly phase out the clicker and treats so he will do the action purely on command.
Never phase out the treats entirely. Always treat sometimes; otherwise he may quit the behavior. Adding the Cue. Give the cue just as the rabbit begins to do the behavior: cue at behavior, then click and treat.