For free! Download and install Dropbox client available at the website. We will deal with Dropbox on Windows but Linux and Mac clients are also available. Navigate to the folder. Within the My Dropbox, there is a folder called Public, by default.
Double click and get inside the folder. There is a file called Top Secret. Now create two folders inside Public by simply right-clicking, going to "New" and creating a new folder. Call these folders as css and js. You can choose anything else.
Now, copy-paste all those css and js files you want to be hosted in Dropbox into css and js. Notice that there's a Dropbox logo in the tray area of your taskbar which means Dropbox is running in the background.
Wait for a few minutes so that Dropbox completes uploading the new documents which you have just added. You can check whether upload is complete or not — when upload is complete, the logo in the tray area changes and has a tick on it. Finally navigate to css or js folder and right-click on any of the files in it.
Go to Dropbox » Copy Public Link. And the link is there in your clipboard. Use the link anywhere you want the files to be accessed. There's no bandwidth limit as of now! Sending in your applications electronically is the most effective method for submitting planning applications.
If you'd prefer to use the paper forms , you can access them. However, please note that under the current circumstances, many authorities are working remotely and are steering applicants to submitting their applications online. If you still wish to submit a paper application to your authority through the post, there will likely be a delay in your local authority processing it compared to submitting it electronically.
S ome authorities may charge an additional administration fee to process paper applications. For more information please get in touch with your local authority. More information is available in our Planning Customer Journey.
This has been produced by the eDevelopment Operations team, in conjunction with the Scottish Goivernment's Planning and Architecture Division to provide a short overview of the process for anyone looking to develop of make home improvements. For more detailed information, we'd recommend the Scottish Government's Planning pages on mygov. Welcome to ePlanning. Want to find out more about Scotland's Planning system?
If you have any issues please contact us via email at eDevelopment gov. Help us to help you - We want your feedback! Our Tip of the Week is Need some advice? All Network Creators and admins are welcome.
Join us! Home Looking for the Ning 2. Twitter Facebook. Mar 4 Posted by Aaron. Upload a File. Two file formats that cannot be uploaded to blog posts are.